Jumat, 08 Mei 2009

Correcting Your Posture, Getting The Most Of Your Ergonomic Equipment

Every item that you have around your desk or in your office space should be considered for their ergonomic qualities. Consider your ergonomic mouse, keyboard or office chair. Consider the type of computer panel you are using, whether it is the kind that takes up your entire desk, a nice, neat flat screen or an innovative touch screen panel. Follow some simple tips to make the most out of your work day. Talk to your EmployerTake a moment to talk to your manager or human resources department to get the equipment you need. If you are sitting poorly or have developed a slouch you can end up with painful or costly injuries. People go on many days of sick leave a year because of injuries that they incur at work. Businesses have an obligation to make sure their employers have a station that is safe and sound for their employees.
Consider your Chair

Did you know that laws exist regarding office chairs? There are minimum standards. Make sure that your chair is comfortable and can be adjusted to the right height and tilt. Consider a back support or back rest that can help you sit up straighter.

Monitor your Computer

Take a moment o look and see where your eyes are looking. Is your monitor directly in front of you? Is it an arm’s length away? If you adjust your chair don’t forget to adjust your monitor as well. Make sure that you aren’t getting a headache or eye strain because of the monitor on your computer. If you wear glasses you may need to consider anti-glare glasses.

Mice & Keyboards

Place your keyboard directly in front of you. Consider using a keyboard or mouse with a wrist rest to decrease strain. Make sure you are typing in a relaxed manner – make sure you have a natural posture so that you avoid tension.

Posture, Posture, Posture

Make sure you are sitting right – don’t cross your legs! If you need to get foot support so that you can sit up and place your feet on the floor. This will increase circulation and promote good health. Also, take a moment to get up and walk around every once in awhile. Stretch you legs.

Drink Water

It can’t get any simpler. To promote health, drink water and eat right. While this isn’t necessarily something that is a workspace design, it will help you work better and to feel more awake and energized. If your office is one of those with a candy bowl you can’t resist, make sure it does not reside near your desk so that you can cut out the sweets. Keep a glass of water on your desk so that if you need something to drink the water is very handy.

Making the most out of your work space is important. While you may think that decorating and using a little flair is more important than comfort, you are mistaken. Sit down with your company and make it a point – your health will thank you down the road if you watch out for your body now instead of when it starts screaming at you. Avoid those nasty work headaches, the eye strain and backaches by becoming more ergonomically friendly in your workspace.

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